“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
Jackie Robinson

Direct Trade

Direct trade in the coffee industry is a business model where farmers sell their coffee directly to international coffee partners such as coffee roasters and marketers without the loss of income created by transactions through 2-4 middlemen. Sweet Unity Farms positioned itself and has worked to build a vertically integrated business and social model of direct trade between farmers and the international coffee industry.


From sales of Sweet Unity Farms coffee all over North America “Profit share” income to coffee farmers went into the construction of a solar-powered 120 seat education center to present the best digital educational materials globally available to students and adults via computers and projectors onto a 10 foot by 8 foot viewing screen. Sweet Unity Farms will continue to work with its cooperative partners to develop educational programs in coffee farming communities as a foundation for sustainable coffee excellence, enhanced human capacity and farmer integration into the global coffee industry.

Community Development

Above and beyond better than Fair Trade cash payments to farmers, Sweet Unity Farms continues to invest in infrastructure and quality of life facilities for partnering rural communities. Such developments include administrative capacities for the coop, coffee processing equipment, and warehousing facilities. Additionally, we’ve also invested in a rain water harvesting irrigation system, and purchased solar panels to power the warehouse and local community centers/hubs.